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The Future of the Internet: Web 3.0 Explained

web 3.0 Oct 28, 2022
The Future of the Internet: Web 3.0 Explained

Web 3.0

The Internet has changed a lot over the past 20 years. Each change has given its users new tools and ways to do things—from Internet Relay Chat (IRC) to modern social media, it has become an important part of how people connect with each other.

Because of its potential to impact the future of the global community, you've probably heard the term "Web 3.0" floating around online. You may even have come across an infographic that shows how Web 3.0 works and all of its crazy new features.

If you haven't done those things and are confused about what Web 3.0 is, this article is for you. Let's take a look back at the dawn of the internet before we move forward to explore its potential future.


Before Web 3.0

Web 1.0 was the first version of the Internet. At the time, websites typically functioned as digital brochures. The internet, then, didn’t even have the concept of streaming videos! Your favorite artist's album took a whole week to download, and in order to use dial-up, you had to disconnect your home phone line. There were no cell phones available at that time. And imagine this: the world did not have the convenience of emojis, which meant face-to-face interaction was mandatory.

Then came Web 2.0. This version of the web is where participation was prioritized over passive viewing. By the middle of the 2000s, nearly all websites had upgraded to the Web 2.0 standard. Suddenly, players from all over the world were able to interact with one another in multiplayer games thanks to the rise of online gaming, and sharing what was learned became as simple as finding it on this version of the web.


What is Web 3.0? 

This is the third phase of the evolution of the web, and it is concerned with the direction the web will take in the future. This version of the internet is based on the following principles: user ownership, decentralization, and blockchain technology.

The goal of Web 3.0 is to open up and decentralize the Internet. This means an internet where data is kept only in the hands of its rightful owners. Businesses that make millions off of selling our personal information should find Web 3.0 to be a game-changer.


Key Features of Web 3.0

The key features of Web 3.0 are:

Blockchain – With blockchain technology, user information is encrypted and kept safe. This keeps big companies from controlling or using the personal information of their users to make money.

Trustless – Users are given the option of both public and private interactions on the network, with no third party to potentially compromise their data.

Permissionless – Anyone, including users and providers, can take part in this without needing permission from any higher authority.

Ubiquitous – With Web 3.0, we will all be able to access the Internet whenever and wherever we like. At some point in the future, computers and smartphones won't be the only devices that can connect to the Internet. Because of advancements in technology, many different kinds of smart devices will soon be possible.


Final Thoughts

Web 3.0 is still in development. We're about to see the most economically driven and individualized version of the web yet, as it promises to revolutionize the way we use the internet for everyday tasks like searching, chatting, and shopping.



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